Privacy Policy
At Archive NY, we are 100% committed to protecting the privacy and security of our customers and site visitors. The Archive NY team members are customers themselves, of both Archive and other web shops, so we understand and respect how important privacy is. We use cookies on our website and would never share or sell your personal information to a third party.
California Users California law requires that we provide you with a summary of your privacy rights under the California Online Privacy Protection Act (the “Act”) and the California Business and Professions Code. As required by the Act, we will provide you with the categories of Personally Identifiable Information that we collect through our Services and the categories of third party persons or entities with whom such Personally Identifiable Information may be shared for direct marketing purposes at your request. California law requires us to inform you, at your request, (1) the categories of Personally Identifiable Information we collect and what third parties we share that information with; (2) the names and addresses of those third parties; and (3) examples of the products marketed by those companies. The Act further requires us to allow you to control who you do not want us to share that information with. To obtain this information, please send a request to contacting us, please indicate your name, address, email address, and what Personally Identifiable Information you do not want us to share with Affiliated Businesses or Marketing Partners. The request should be sent with the subject labeled “California Customer Choice Notice.” Please allow 30 days for a response. Also, please note that there is no charge for controlling the sharing of your Personally Identifiable Information or requesting this notice.
If you have any questions about how we protect your privacy, get in touch with us at